What's Next?

Returning Ripples.......

Part three of the Sandie Watson Trilogy

The gift of a mediteranean holiday on a luxury motor yacht seems like a dream come true to Duggan and his friends but the dream quickly turns into a nightmare when an unexpected set of coincidences collide right in front of them. 

With one of the team kidnapped they have to use all their combined resources to recover the situation and escape the holiday island of Cyprus before the local Police put two and two together.

The Story Behind the Book

As i was writing the first two parts of the Trilogy, I already had in mind how book three was going to work, and it all comes down to circles. 

As humans, most of us like the company of our fellow homo-sapiens. This causes most of us to revolve in circles of friends and colleagues who have similar outlooks, beliefs and interests as ourselves. 

If you support your local football team you will no doubt have lots of friends who also have that in common. If you are a builder, you will know a lot of people that are either in, or associated with the building trade and if you move in high society, guess what!, you will touch base with a huge number of similarly well positioned people.

This was the premise behind the final part of the trilogy, a story where the circles that the characters move within in the first two books, overlap each other, resulting in a maelstrom of carnage and unexpected consequences.

Due out Summer 2024

Book Four -

The team are back in another adventure  - this time tracking down a gang of international thieves. 

Due to be published late 2024